S is for Secure Yourself Online at Work
S is for Secure Yourself Online at Work
It is no secret that staying secure online is of the utmost importance. Protecting your email, bank accounts, and other types of online information is a no-brainer these days. We hear about data breaches in the news often. But often, we overlook being secure online at work. It is easy to create a simple password or not to be concerned as it may not be your “personal” information. And your employer (or you, the owner or manager) may be too busy to be concerned with keeping employees and other information secure.
But it is just as important to keep your information safe and secure at work as it is on personal devices. Of course, many of us use our work devices for personal things as well, so we really should be more careful.
Here are some tips for keeping yourself secure online in the workplace:
Require Strong Passwords
Require passwords that are long, unusual, and have a variety of numbers, letters, and symbols. It is critically important to require that passwords be changed frequently. Also, make sure your staff is securing their passwords in a safe place, such as a password manager.
Train All Staff
Many employees may not know how to stay secure online. Or they may think that they are already being secure when they aren’t. It is essential to ensure all employees are well-versed in cybersecurity and the risks involved, no matter their job description or level. Create an easy way for them to be involved; give everyone the information and tools to stay secure, and make it easy for anyone to report an incident.
Create Layered Protection for Everything
Use multi-factor authentication for accounts or networks that have sensitive information. Encrypt media that may leave the office, like laptops and thumb drives. Also, encrypt sensitive media that is sent to other important professionals, such as your accountant or tech department. Or use secure portals to share information.
Whether you are the CEO or the newest sales clerk, cybersecurity plays a vital role in most workplaces, and everyone needs to be mindful and educated about security risks while on line. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or ask for help to stay secure at work. Or better yet, take a few online cybersecurity classes. It is better to learn before there is a breach or an incident rather than needing to learn after the fact.