Client Relationship Summary
December 23, 2019 2023-01-11 11:34Client Relationship Summary
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Client Relationship Summary
We are Zuraw Financial Advisors, LLC, (“ZFA”) an investment advisor registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Our investment advisory and brokerage services and fees differ from a traditional broker-dealer firm, and it is important for you to understand the differences. provides educational materials about broker-dealers, investment advisors, and investing. Our firm’s and other financial professionals’ registration information are also publicly available on the website.
Frequently Asked Questions
Relationships & Services
What investment services and advice can we provide you?
We offer customized investment advisory services to our retail clients. We offer a full suite of securities including equities, fixed income, mutual funds, ETFs, and similar investments. Our services are generally provided on a discretionary basis, which means that we have the power to buy and sell securities for your account based on your individual situation and your previous consent for us to do so. This authority remains in effect until you revoke it. We may provide non-discretionary investment advice, where we make investment recommendations to you and you decide whether to implement the recommendation. We do not offer any proprietary investment products.
We review portfolios at least annually. However, we do monitor accounts on a continuous basis and conduct ad hoc reviews if you change your objectives or risk tolerance, upon significant market and economic events, or if we change our investment strategy.
ZFA requires a minimum account size of $250,000 per client. OR ZFA’s ideal client has at least $500,000 of investable assets with us.
Given your financial situation, is an investment advisory service appropriate for you?
Advisory services are usually appropriate when you have a portfolio of securities for which you require ongoing advice, and you are comfortable delegating most investment actions. Investors who maintain few security holdings, are inclined to make few changes to their portfolio, or wish to make most investment decisions on their own, are likely best suited for a traditional broker-dealer relationship with a FINRA-registered firm. ZFA is not such a firm.
How will we choose investments for you?
We recommend investments based upon your individual circumstances, financial situation, expectation of current and future cash needs, investment objectives, and risk tolerance. In addition, we attempt to identify those investments which we expect to yield an acceptable level of return given the amount of risk you’re willing to assume, taking into account the level of diversification and how different securities and asset classes may complement one another.
What is our relevant experience, including licenses, education, and other qualifications?
ZFA professionals have been in the financial services industry for several years, holding CFP, CFA, and CDFA professional designations accepted by the applicable state regulators and SEC. These designations assure that our professionals have met specific regulatory exam requirements required to conduct investment activities, as well as rigorous continuing education requirements. You can find information on these professional designations in the Form ADV Part 2B (“Brochure Supplement”) which we provide you at the onset of the advisory relationship.
Frequently Asked Questions
Fees, Costs, Conflicts & Standard of Conduct
What fees will you pay?
Our quarterly fees are calculated as a percentage of the assets we manage for you, so your fees will rise and fall with the value of those assets. ZFA will not charge you a fee for individual trades or transactions. But in addition to our advisory fees, you may be charged transaction fees by a custodian for its services. These fees vary depending on the custodian. Some securities, such as mutual funds and ETFs, carry additional costs. There are also non-material fees such as postage and handling, transfer taxes, SEC fees for sales of securities, and similar fees. You can find out more information about our fees and costs under Item 5 of our Brochure, available at
How will these fees and costs affect your investments?
We do not send you bills for our fees. We charge asset-based fees, so our fees are calculated as a percentage of the value of your portfolio we manage. For example, a $10,000 investment at a 1% annual fee results in an annual deduction of $100 from your portfolio (meaning only $9,900 ends up invested). This means that it will take you longer to realize positive returns than if no fees were charged. In this example, if you generated a 3% return, your net return would be 2%. Assuming nothing changes, it could take 18 months to realize a $300 return on your $10,000 investment.
You will pay prorated quarterly fees whether you make or lose money on your investments. Fees and costs will reduce any amount of money you make on your investments over time. Please be sure you understand what fees and costs you are paying.
What are our legal obligations to you when acting as your investment advisor?
Because we are a registered investment advisor with the SEC, we are required to act in your best interests and not put our interests ahead of yours. This is a higher standard than those required of a broker-dealer. At the same time, the wayAdd we make money creates some conflicts of interest. We encourage you to evaluate and ask us about these inherent conflicts, because they may affect the investment advice we provide.
How do our financial professionals make money?
Our financial advisors are paid a salary and potentially a bonus. Our firm does better when you do better, and vice versa.
Frequently Asked Questions
Disciplinary History
Do our financial professionals have legal or disciplinary history?
No. You can visit for a free and simple search tool to research our firm and our financial professionals. You should do this for any advisor you consider using.
Frequently Asked Questions
Additional Information
Who is your primary contact person?
Your ZFA advisor will be your primary point of contact. However, administrative requests may be handled by our administrative assistant or client service professional.
Is he or she a representative of an investment advisor of a broker-dealer?
None of our professionals are associated with a broker-dealer. All investment professionals are licensed with ZFA as investment advisor representatives and are therefore held to higher standards.
Who can you talk to if you have concerns about how someone on our team is treating you?
In the event you have issues to be addressed, you may contact Ms. Ann Zuraw at 336-496-8961 or by email to
You can find additional information about our investment advisory services at You may also request a printed copy of this Client Relationship Summary by contacting us at 336-290-7062 or via email to
Should I partner with ZFA in managing my investments?
Our first priority is helping you take care of yourself and your family. We want to learn more about your personal situation, identify your dreams and goals, and provide you with the highest level of service.