H is for How Micro-Credentials Could be the New Higher Education

H is for How Micro-Credentials Could be the New Higher Education

Whether you are new to the workforce or have been in your field for decades, you know the importance of honing your skills to fit your job requirements. Therefore, you know that continued education is an important part of building a successful and meaningful career. But how does one get this type of skill-based education outside of their 4-year degree? And how does one accomplish this while in the workforce?

What are Micro-credentials?

Micro-credentials are skills learned outside the typical education system. These types of skills are incredibly important for employers. These include, but are not limited to, skills you have learned on the job, courses you may have taken online, or workshops at a community center. Sometimes, hands-on experience can be more valuable than formal education. 

Why choose Micro-Credentials?

It is essential to continue your education throughout your lifetime. But, it is important to also realize the significance of a formal degree. A diploma gives you a leg up when applying for a job. Even one from a trade school or an Associate’s degree does. Unless you are going into a highly specialized field such as medicine or law, micro-credentials and experience may be able to give you an edge over your competitors. Especially when you weigh the cost of a master’s degree. Choosing to get your knowledge and experience while working can save you time and money.

Taking your education into your own hands can be more beneficial to your career than just going through the motions of higher education. Knowing exactly which skills you need and want to hone may help you more in your future career. Personalizing certifications and educational classes can help you achieve your career goals faster than taking a generalized approach to education. Just be sure to include all your skills, credentials, and experience on your resume and when you interview!

While a formal education remains extremely important for most career paths, it is helpful to remember that you are more than your degree. So don’t be afraid to take extra classes, go to conferences, and gather up new certifications throughout your career. This will help give you that extra boost in an ever-changing job market and help you feel more fulfilled in your career.


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