L is for Learning to Avoid Procrastination

L is for Learning to Avoid Procrastination

learning to avoid procrastination

We all make little justifications for not sitting down at the computer or getting on the phone to take a stand against wasteful spending from excess charges and fees. No one wants to spend their precious free time on the phone trying to sort through endless unexplained charges on phone bills, credit card bills or, heaven help us, our cable companies. The hoops some of these corporations make us go through can significantly wear on our nervous system. And it can deter any efforts to fight back. We are all busy people, and there is never a convenient time to take a stand against these faceless corporations.

But when we procrastinate and fail to follow through with these challenges, no matter how frustrating, we may find ourselves throwing hard earned money away time and time again. Just like overspending is a habit, so is procrastination. The good news is bad habits, with a little work, can be turned into productive changes.

But how do we kick this habit?

When we begin to reap the benefits of getting refunds on those unexplained charges or even cooking dinner at home instead of choosing the easy way out and picking up overpriced “healthy” meals, we can begin to see the small victories for our hard earned cash.

These victories should help us break the bad habit of procrastination. When we become proactive in our everyday decisions and choose long-term financial health over short-term convenience and gratification, success will follow. If we wait until we feel like doing something, procrastination sets in again. And then we may find ourselves losing money that rightly belongs to us.

If you’ve been a constant procrastinator, start by taking small steps. Begin by tackling life’s most costly spending areas and work your way through to even the smallest of wasteful spending. Stop paying the price for continually putting off tasks that impact your wallet. Your goal should be to consistently choose to take a proactive stance on your life and your choices. It’s time to get smart about financial consequences caused by procrastination.

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