F is for Fear of Rejection and How to Overcome It

F is for Fear of Rejection and How to Overcome It

Rejection, and the fear of being rejected, are normal parts of life. But when the fear of rejection is holding you back in life, it is time to reassess your outlook. Did you know that fearing rejection in both your personal and professional life may be holding you back from success and happiness? If you find yourself fearing asking for a raise or promotion or holding back from standing up to a friend, you may be letting fear hold you back.

Of course, a healthy fear of rejection can be good for you at times. Asking for too big of a raise or creating conflict over something small can backfire. But it is important to find the balance of what is too big of a risk to take or not. Missing out on opportunities for romance, fun, and professional growth can be detrimental to your wellbeing.

So, if you find yourself missing out on your big break due to a fear of rejection, use these tips to help you prevent the feeling of rejection holding you back. Empower yourself and take control by incorporating some of these tips into your life!

Speak Up!

Not speaking up can be more detrimental than staying quiet for fear of what could happen. If something is bothering you, you must say something. Whether it is the way, your partner folds the towels or the way your boss expects you to work weekends. They won’t know it is bothering you unless you tell them. Stand up for yourself, no matter what you fear the other person’s reaction may be. Just be sure to be kind but firm.

Be Your Bravest Self

There is no greater advice than to be true to yourself. And even if being yourself is being a scaredy-cat, that doesn’t mean you can’t overcome your fears. Feel the fear and do it anyway sounds corny, but it is just what needs to happen sometimes. Figure out what you want and go for it. If you don’t, you may regret it later.

 Get Rejected

Go ahead and ask out the person of your dreams. Apply for the dream job you may not be entirely qualified for at the moment. Submit your artwork to a gallery contest. And then get rejected. Sure, it sounds very counterintuitive. But guess what? You survived. And it probably wasn’t even that bad. So remember that while rejection may not feel good, it won’t be the end of the world. You will be stronger when you do get rejected, so you will be prepared by the time you get what you want.

More Risk = More Success

Statistically, the more times you try, the more times you will succeed. Sure, recklessly trying a bunch of things might not be the best plan, but you won’t succeed if you don’t try at all. Start small, apply for that job you may not be completely qualified, submit that article you wrote to your favorite magazine, and sign up for that triathlon you’ve always wanted to try. Then, slowly and continually work your way up to applying for your dream job, without fear!

 Rejection and fear are normal parts of human life. If you don’t learn to face them and deal with them in a healthy way, then every day will be a struggle. So, do you and your future self a favor and start facing your fears today, and little by little, you’ll be surprised at how easy it becomes over time.


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