F is for Fast Failing.
F is for Fast Failing.
The Fast Fail method says:
“Making mistakes is a good thing but realizing your mistakes faster can help you get through the learning process more rapidly.”
Improvement of yourself or situation is based on learning—whether you are running a business, graduating from school or leaving a bad marriage. Since improvement is based on learning, it is so important to be aware of your personal learning experiences in order to gain the Fast Failing effect.
If your learning experiences are long and inefficient, it can take years to improve your situation. However, if you are focused and stay on track you can learn at a much faster pace.
This principle can be applied everywhere in life. How often do you see someone who spends four years obtaining a degree only to realize that they don’t like their career choice? Have you spent years in a relationship, later realizing different core values pulled you apart? Have you spent years with the same financial advisor even though they are not listening to YOUR needs?
We have a tendency to avoid failure at all cost instead of trying to learn from it. We think if we plan long enough, think hard enough and map out each and every strategy we will make the right decision. Unfortunately, even with all this planning we are still capable of failure.
Fast Failing is not intended to push or rush you through projects nor get quick results. This would be counterproductive and may prevent you from putting forth your best effort. The goal is to isolate mistakes early in the game and allow you to make improvements immediately.
Fast Failing is good — Failing too late can be expensive and painful. The Fast Fail approach helps you gain knowledge quickly. Mistakes are lessons to be learned and the knowledge you gain from these mistakes will assist you with your achievements in the future.
“We need to teach the highly educated man that it is not a disgrace to fail and that he must analyze every failure to find its cause. He must learn how to fail intelligently, for failing is one of the greatest arts in the world.”—Charles Kettering
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