J is for Using Your Own JUDGMENT

J is for Using Your Own JUDGMENT

using your own judgement

By definition, the word Judgment means the cognitive process of reaching a decision or drawing conclusions. What it doesn’t mean is that people are judging you or questioning your ability to make decisions regarding your own personal situation.

To make the best decisions for both you and your family—use your own good judgment.

Right now you are going through a very tough period of your life. You are working very hard and trying to pay the bills. You are worried about your kids and completely uncertain about the future and how you are going to support your family.

When we are overwhelmed, it is very easy to start questioning every decision we have made or think we will have to make. Try as hard as possible not to let yourself go down that road. Remember, no one is better equipped to judge what is needed in your situation more than YOU. You can handle it. You know what the best long term plan is for you and your kids. Whether it is your soon to be ex, lawyer, friend, parent, brother or sister—remember that no one can assess your situation better than you can.

Be confident in your own Judgment!  This is your divorce and nobody else’s.


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