D is for Getting a Better Deal on Cable

D is for Getting a Better Deal on Cable

getting a better deal on cable

Our economy today simply doesn’t allow us to spend frivolously on expenses. So how do we negotiate a cable bill when we continue to experience its steady rise in cost?

One remedy would be phone negotiations:

Step 1 – be prepared to negotiated with you cable company. In most cases they will work with you. After all, you are calling to give them a chance to keep you as a paying customer.

Step 2 – do a little research by going to their website to check on new customer promotions. Also check to see what the competition is offering. This information will help you with your negotiations.

Step 3- start your negotiation and don’t give up!  If you reach a customer service representative that is not helpful – hang up and try again.

Step 4 – your goal is to be directed to the Retention Department. Unfortunately, to get there it may be necessary to threaten cancellation. Once there however, you will find that the retention specialist is authorized to negotiate the terms of your deal and work with you to keep you as a customer.

Finally, enjoy knowing that the small amount of time you spent in negotiation has saved you hundreds of dollars off your yearly cable bill.

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